By working faithfully eight hours a day you may eventually get to be boss and work twelve hours a day.
Robert Frost

Quality Policy of Infologica Ltd.

The main objective of Infologica Ltd. is to propose to its clients the most up-to-date high technological products and services in the field of communications and software solutions mainly in the area of environment as to guarantee to them to obtain maximum result from their investments.

The quality policy of Infologica Ltd. places in the focus of its attention our clients. That's why the managing body is aiming continuously to satisfy clients' requirements and expectations.

The managing body and the whole company staff are conscious that the future and prosperity of Infologica Ltd. company depend and are based on our continuous ambition to deserve the confidence of our clients through complete gratification of their needs and protection of their interests as well as continuous quality improvement of the products offered by us.

Continuous improvement in favour of our satisfied clients!

In conditions of constantly growing competitive background and the increasing requirements of our clients regarding the quality Infologica Ltd. sets the following objectives:

Strategic objectives:

   Satisfying the expectations and requirements of the clients in regard to the proposed products and services;

   Developing and delivering products and services in regard to the requirements of EN ISO 9001:2008 to the developed and implemented system for quality;

   Offering competitive products and services, based on modern technologies, international requirements and standards.

Long-term objectives:

   Increasing the number of clients;

   Continuous education and improvement of the staff;

   Continuous improvement and perfection of the system for management of quality;

   Maintaining partnership and collaboration with our suppliers;

   Continuous improvement in all the areas of our activity.


The managing body of Infologica Ltd. is convinced that from essential interest for the development of the company in its daily activity has to laid down the principles for management of quality, i.e.:

   Policy directed to the client – we clearly realize that we directly depend on our clients. That's why we aim at understanding all our clients' requirements so thus to accomplish at maximum stage all their expectations.

   Commitment of the Management Team – management team is aiming to establish working conditions, facilitating and motivating at the most the employees in their responsibility for achieving the purposes of the company. Management team is convinced that implementation of the system for management of quality is undoubtedly one of the most important tools, facilitating as the company management as the staff in fulfilling its tasks.

   Continuous improvement of products, services and organization of the work.


The satisfaction of the clients from the quality of our products is guaranty for lasting collaboration, application for new clients and prerequisite for enlargement of company market share. With the implementation of this policy Infologica Ltd. will answer to the high market requirements with quality products and decisions in accordance to EN ISO 9001:2008.


Director: Georgi Georgiev

Client satisfaction survey form